One Thing is a new indie brand that launched in Korea in 2019, with a focus on single ingredient formulas featuring the highest quality ingredients. It's been a long time since I've been this excited about a brand! Much like The Ordinary, their products rely heavily on single ingredients, though I'd say One Thing is even more minimalist than The Ordinary, both in packaging and formulation, with more of a focus on premium ingredients.
If you know that a specific skincare ingredient works well for you (Mugwort or Hyaluronic Acid for example), then One Thing allows you to choose a simple formulation featuring only that. Even better, you can choose a couple of different essences from them, and either mix them up in a mist bottle, or choose to do a more intensive treatment using their DIY sheet masks - choose which essence you'd like to use, and soak the dry sheet in it before applying to your face for 15 minutes.
All One Thing's formulations are already at the perfect percentage for daily use, so you need not worry about creating an essence that's too potent, as with other brands that sell powders and extracts intended for adding to other skincare. Please be sure to only mix One Thing products with each other though, as we of course can't know the formulations and percentages of other brand products.
I hope you love One Thing as much as I do!
xo, Tamsin